This small-group time integrates discussion about the sermon, mutual support, and prayer. Each table has a trained Host or Host Couple who facilitates discussion based on application-focused questions which are provided by Pastor Dave.

It Sounds Intimidating.

Table Fellowship may sound intimidating. Some of us struggle with crippling thoughts/fears that we have nothing to contribute. The Bible says that is not true—everyone has something to contribute (1 Cor. 12:7-10; 14-26).

Recognizing that we are all in different places in our spiritual journey, our Table Hosts will always give permission for you to “pass” on the discussion or on praying aloud. No one is forced to participate although everyone is invited to. The hosts are trained to invite everyone but coerce no one.

Frequently Asked Questions

How about visitors?
Visitors are very welcome to attend Table Fellowship.

What about the kids?
Children ages 4 years through 5th grade participate in “Children’s Table Fellowship,” which is much like traditional Sunday School.

And the teens?
At Peace we value the input and ministry of our teens. Those 6th grade and above participate in Youth Table Fellowship where they are encouraged to be involved with the discussion and have opportunity to relate to each other under the leadership of adults in a healthy, safe environment.